Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What's Cooking...

This was, last night!
Linguini and Clam Sauce!
I didn't have linguini so I had to use
Spaghetti, not the same but still good.

I start with olive oil and fresh chopped garlic,
and cook over low heat til the garlic starts to infuse
with the oil.
Then I add about a tablespoon of butter.
(the real stuff).
As the butter starts to melt I add fresh copped parsley,
not much, again, enough to meld the flavors together.
This is the base, I use.
Then just open a can of chopped clams, juice and all,
and dump it in the mix of garlic and oil.
Depending on how much sauce you want you can add
a bottle of clam juice...makes more, in case someone 
happens to stay for dinner! 

I let this simmer for about 1/2hr. and add grated Romano cheese
and let that simmer down, on low heat,

I start cooking the pasta...you can also add the water from the pasta
to the sauce, again, this melds flavors.
Sometimes I add hot pepper flakes, most of the time not.

Fill the bowl with pasta, 
add a little salt and pepper,
grated cheese and parsley,
and you're ready to eat.
 Oh, and maybe a glass of wine!
Do ya remember the dresser and chair I showed in a previous post?

this is the finished piece.  It was black, and I liked it black,
but the customer wanted white. 
and the finished chair.
You can get an idea, of the room she's going for.
I don't have photos of the foot stool, but it matches the chair.

I made the sign for her after she saw the one I have hanging outside,
so this customer was a happy camper, when she picked everything up,
and she fit it all in the back of her SUV!

I've got tons to do!

Be well!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Diamonds in the Rough!

But Treasures To me!

A few weeks ago, I was driving home from my daughters
house and spotted and old beat up wicker rocker on the
side of the road.  Now I knew the rocker was garbage,
but this, I was after.

I know, it's not a diamond, but it is to me!

Then the sewing machine, I've had it for years, but
it was just stored away, passed around,used
for an entry table, moved from one spot to another, 
because it was, well just in the way, so I started taking it apart,
I could use the iron legs for something else...!
It still has the thread in it, old and dusty.
Yet beautiful in it's passing stage!

How many dresses were stitched with this needle?
It's a diamond to me!

Then I was driving by one of the local second hand shops, and
spotted this in the window!

I wanted it!
I walked in and checked it out.
It was heavy and solid...it was an Ethan Allen piece,
and I figured I'd be paying a hefty price.
Just because a brick landed on it during a tornado, so what!
The crack doesn't go through the seat all the way, and anyway, 
I could fix it, 
it's a diamond in the rough!

Now I'm going to make some cushions,
and live happily ever after.

Yes I am!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's time for Wine, because...

of  this!
it's only a little mess, and I knew it would be,
because, we, Mr. Honey and I, live in
an old house. 
When we first bought it, I ripped the kitchen walls 
off...plaster and lathe, and insulated. 
Now it's been awhile, but I remember the two by fours had 
horizontal 2x4s staggered up between the beam, (back then,... I was told,
 fire wall safety.)
 Well, now that Mr. Honey,
decided to install a light fixture to light up the steps outside,
(which we needed), all hell broke loose.
An Electrician by trade, (oh yes, Union labor) and he knows what he's doing,
he casually asks, "do you remember where the cross beams are?"
Well hell, Richard, that's been what?  15 years?
I know what the drill is when an electrician has to run cable. 
He complicates things by trying to find the beams.
Just cut a hole in the wall and look!
Really what's the big deal, you know your grunt worker will
follow behind and do the clean up!
(that would be me)!
And since I don't mind patching drywall, (to me it's like icing a cake or sculpting!)
I have to tell him to go ahead, like he needs my permission, he was going to
do it anyway!

Hole # 5, you don't see the ones
at the floor!
(not counting  the little holes from poking the
awl  into the wall at various points)!
really, this stuff doesn't bother me,
I live with the Electrician!
And honestly, I'd rather keep him off a ladder,
because he moans and groans so much afterwards.
Oh, okay, about the Wine?
It was greatly appreciated.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I Don't know...

I think it's that time of season,
you want change, but can't afford change!
It's that...I don't know!
Maybe it's hormones!
But, today, I was inspired to cook!
Well, I always cook!
But I was inspired, because, 
Lulu, of Coastal Sisters,
doesn't cook!!!!!
And it just made me giggle!

I'm always cooking, mostly out of necessity!
And for the fact, I want flavor!
I hardly ever cook the same meal twice!
I like, concoctions! I like to experiment!
I love fresh herbs and garlic, sauteed in olive oil...love,love love!
What's for Dinner tonight?
It was this!
Filet of Mignon,  oh yeah!
Managers special!
While most shoppers steer away from speicals!
I head for them. Especiallly the beef!
In my opion, it's the best!
It's already aged, which means it's READY!
It's less time spent marinating at room temperture!
Just salt, pepper and a drizzle of olive oil, and it's ready for the 
grill!  Yes, I even started the grill tonight!
6 minutes on each side, take it off, let it rest for....when ever I'm ready to
finsih the sides, and here we go!
Medium rare! Just the way I like'm!
If you can't cut it...like butter, then toss it!
Melts in your mouth!
If it doesn't look appetizing then it's not ediable!
Garlic and  olive oil, pan sauteed asspargus!
Mashed new potatoes,
Oh yeah, baby!
This was, what I had for Dinner tonight!!!
See, Lulu,
not everything, burns the kitchen down!!!

What's for  desert?

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Season of...

 has arrived on,
Pearl Avenue, and with it,
the blessing of my little darling!
A little over a week old, and he makes my heart sing!
 Abundance comes to us in many ways!
Little Baby Mac,
(aka, Bradley.)
Sweet little one...the abundance of Love!
Shhh! he's dreaming right now!
I could look upon this face forever!

Little loves,
the abundance of all!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I am a Fabric....


I saw this, and I couldn't help myself!
I know exactly what I want to do with it.
It flows and drapes so....
I could only, afford so many yards,
but if I plan carefully, I'll have enough.
It has the same texture as the vintage,
Bark Cloth,
and that's why I love it!
It's the perfect accent color and texture for my kitchen.
But now, here's where I'll procrastinate!
I'm going to use it for my windows,
do I create, full length cafe curtain style,
or pleated, valance style?
It would give me two different looks!
I'll think about it tomorrow!
It seems, Little Girl, thinks it's for her!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Life after Vacation!

We all know how hard it is to settle back in,
when you come home from a vacation!
Life at the Beach,

was so relaxing!

This house was home for a week!

And of course I had to take nature shots,

so i can play, around in Photoshop!
And some fun shots,

Ain't Life a,

I highly recommend a vacation, where you don't do 
or plan anything,
and spend the whole day, looking for these!

Be well, and relax!

Friday, August 5, 2011

It ain't over the Septic tank!

I have my own green oasis out back.
But it's not over the Septic tank!
In fact, I don't even have a septic tank!

But look how green my little valley is!
The crepe myrtle in full bloom,
behind the dogwood tree!
And the sweet scent of climbing wild Clematis!
I usually pull it off the fence, but when I saw that
it's hosting a banquet for all the butterflies and bees,
well, it has to stay!
At least the Blanket flowers are blooming!
The herbs are thriving, this Salad Burnett is the so good!
It tastes like fresh cut cucumbers!
This little piece of the garden gets watered daily,
so how did these not survive
the extra amount of money I spent, to water?
Purple Cone Flowers are suppose to survive, even in drought!
I purposely planted them because I knew if everything else
died off in the summer, I'd still have these!
Apparently, they would have done well over a Septic tank!

But look at all those seeds ready to drop!

I'm on my way to vacation at the beach, and I can only hope
that my youngest daughter pops in to water!
I don't want to lose my Eggplants,
after I fought so hard to keep the squirrels out!

Keep cool,
turn the sprinkler on and run through it!
Well, yes, with all your clothes on!

Be Well!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Well in this case, 
it worked!
Many Moons ago, when our furniture was all hand-me-downs,
we, ( Mr. Honey and I),  had a gawd awful dining table.
Let me rephrase that, I thought it was gawd awful!
In today s chic junk, gotta have it...pure 50's vintage!
The table was black, faux wood and Formica topped!  The saving grace,
 wrought iron legs.
Wish I had a picture to show of the original table.
Anyway, we held on to this table for over 30 years,
because it was Mr. Honey's, Grandmas table.
Okay, I can understand that, I can live with it in the basement.
When we moved, I thought it would finally go...I can live with it in the garage!
We have a two car garage, but the table was parked in #2 spot!
for 15 of those 30 years.
Now I'm not one to get rid of things so easy either,
(unless I catch a segment  of Hoarders)!
That's when the cleaning frenzy starts, and yes, I start with Mr. Honey's stuff,
which makes room for my stuff, and then, the stuff doesn't look so, cluttered.
"So, here's the deal" I say, to Mr. Honey.
"How about, I take the legs off the table, and use them for something else?"
"Okay", he says!
Wow, that was a quick easy!
(Mr. Honey, has mellowed with age).
The legs were easy to take off, they were attached the old way,
with metal, rusty pegs tapped into slots...where is W-D 40?
So here is what I did.
I took two planks of  soft pine, pegged and glued them together.
I could have made constructing easier, with  wider wood, but I already had
these planks.
I was going to paint the top, but Mr. Honey, doesn't like painted wood,
(of course he doesn't.) That little voice in my head reminds me to compromise!
So I peruse the many cans of stain I've horded, and found
Briwax, Antique Mahogany. Stain and wax in one can, easy!
And this is the finished side-board.
Nice legs, uh?

Compromise is good! 

Now, lets see if I can get Mr. Honey to go through two 
big tubs of, cords, adapters and whatcha ma call- its,
collected from all the electronics, we no longer have, 
but, might need it someday!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

How does my Garden Grow...

In this heat?
Not very well!
Pretty sparse, uh?
Actually, this photo is about a month ago.
I tore up the old garden, and built the raised beds.
But it's been so hot! Really hot!
 I persevered, through the heat,
and the hot sun.  I know I must have lost 5 lbs.

Time to get the water hose out, and tend the crop!
That is, if the %#&!!!!! squirrels don't get them first!

Not going to worry about the water bill at this point!
And, I've been watching the,
A few weeks ago, I had about 6 little eggplants,
I was thrilled!  Yes, finally, something is growing!
But, on the 1st of July, I go out to water my plants,
and my eggplants are gone!
How could they have just disappeared?
All of them gone, broken off the stem!

Can't be!
I get down in the dirt, check the plantings, (yeah, I thought I was going to see them)!
That's it! 
The war with the squirrels is on!
I arm myself with, what else?  Garden netting.
Oh that will bring those wily critters down!
They aren't messing with someone who doesn't know what they're doing.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm the first person who'll 
swerve my car to avoid hitting a squirrel in the street,
but by god, they will not get anymore of my eggplants!
Never mind that I don't have any daffodils in the Spring
because they dig up and dine on the bulbs!
I"ll give them those!
It's been a week since I surrounded my plants,
And in a couple of weeks I'll be grilling eggplant!
Life is Good!

Well yeah, I go out after dark with my flashlight...just checking!

Be well and have a great weekend!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Time for Blooms!

I think, it's about time I kicked myself in the Arse!
And begin to Bloom again!
I have to be honest, I've let my yard go to weed!
My solution, was to dig up all the plants, and attack the
weeds in one full sweep!
Of course, that left all the pretties displaced...most are now
lined up in the back yard, waiting for new beds to spread
their roots, in lush rich soil.
I do notice the porch needs a desperate face lift!
I want to brick the floor of the porch, and replace
the lighting. And the screen doors probably need a re-do!
And after I de-crab the grass in the front...well maybe I won't!
Because then I won't have any green left!
I'm trying to save the boxwood hedge, only because it's a barrier.
But they are over 70 years old...is it time for them to go?
One thing always leads to another,
it's the domino effect, which leads to not 
doing anything! 
So before I get overwhelmed with trying
to do it all at once, I'll go back to 
digging the flower beds and get the plants 
in before the heat totally destroys them.

This is what I do on Pearl Avenue!
Be Well!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Chairs!

I think I'm finished with the two chairs
I took on for a good customer!
I know it took me long enough, right?
Well there were two to rip down,
and once they were naked, so to speak,
I had to re-enforce one of the chairs.
Apparently, all the old fabric and nails, (there were a ton of nails)
held the old structure together.
But I think they look a whole lot better now,
compared to then!
The only thing, I would add...a lint brush.
The fabric, the customer chose, is a furball collector!
My Little Girl, thought I was creating these chairs
just for her!
So, I let her think just that!
Try to tell a Cat, they can't snuggle on a
newly upholstered chair!
Yeah, just try, and see how she retaliates!
Okay, before I go off on a tangent about Cats!
If you ever find a $2.00 chair, grab it!
There are so many ways to transform it!
The fabric houses are full of discounted upholstery fabrics.
Even a chair in this style? Would look so good with a 
clean modern print.
If you imagine it in your mind, then it's doable!
Hey, guys, have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Down I go...Step by Step

To the Dark, Dungeon of  damp.
It is time to take control of the long forgotten 
Basement.  Mainly because I was tired of 
fighting wispy cobwebs, and to clean out a very
neglected corner of the basement.
I have two windows in the corner foundation wall, and small 
spidery cracks have led to...well,
 bigger spider cracks.
Which let in moisture,  producing a powdery 
white decaying mold! Over the ugly mustard
yellow paint that was so popular
when 100 year old
homes were built.  I know there were other colors back then, so why would anyone 
choose this color?

As I toss things, my Husband hasn't used in years,
and sneak the boxes of rotted and rusted, THINGS past him
on the way out to the garbage, I hear, "Whats in the box"!
Of all times for him not to be
sitting in front of the TV, watching Syfi!
I say, "it's garbage, what do you think it is?"
But he has to look anyway, even though I 
camouflaged the pile of junk with swept up wood shavings and
lots of dusty crap that tends to collect on dungeon floors.
To avoid an argument, I let him take out the stuff he wants to keep.
I'll get rid of it all later.
I will!

Back to the corner!
My objective was to clear off a primitive homemade 
work table, that came with the house.
You know, one of those lop-sided tables made with
scraps of left over pieces of wood.

Obviously someone else s husband  couldn't throw stuff out
100 years ago, either.
But anyway, when I turned the table over, to clean
out all the cobwebs before I started to demo,
I found this,

painted on one of the boards!
I wonder about the history of 
who started this hand-painted sign,
if it was for a real circus coming to town,
or if the children in the neighborhood,
were going to put on a show!

I haven't decided if I want to hang it or make a bench.
But it will have to wait, because I really should be cleaning, 
upstairs. The part of the house that everyone sees.

Cobwebs everywhere!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Playing with Photoshop...

and having a blast!
I played with this photo,
This is the original, and this
is how I finished!
Not to bad for someone who was afraid of photoshop! I took, Kim Klassen's
Skinnymini class, and I learned so much!
Have to conquer those fears ya know, and carry on!
I can't wait to work on another photo, but I have to
finish the chairs!
The rip down has been slow going.
Because, it was done right, the old way,
And so many nails and staples!
Still ugly, though uh!
Once this process is finished it's all down hill!

Onward Ho!
Have a great week and create!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Springing with...

Now,  how could this not be inspiring?
Spring, is here!
And I'm anxious to get out and watch the flowers bloom!
This blooming Quince has inspired me to start my seedlings.
I'm pre-germinating  this year, by using newspaper.
I made them by folding and wrapping the paper around a wine bottle.
The concave bottom of the bottle is perfect for pushing the
paper in,  making the bottom of these paper pots sit
flat, and once you add the soil they are sturdy.
But of course, me being me, I had to dress some of 
them up!

Ready to fill...
maybe with something for Easter?
You can be sure, that I'll add some chocolate too!

I think I'll make some of these paper wraps out of 
old wallpaper...see I'm just Springing with inspiration!
