Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hey Babe take a Walk on the Wild Side!

I haven't been very wild lately.
In fact, for the last 3 1/2 months I've had no desire to be wild.
But no matter how bad I felt I always got dressed for the day.  
I'm not one of those beings who can stay in my Jams all day.
Just can't do it.  Maybe I feel exposed. Vulnerable.
Or maybe it's from, seeing to many people wearing their 
Jammies at the local Wal Mart.
Back in the day it was okay to go without a bra.  It was the feminist thing to do.
A rebellion? 
I don't remember, because somewhere along the line of time, I wouldn't be caught...without one.
The more under-wire the better.

But during this long period...not knowing what the blipety blank, was wrong with me,
  I rolled out of bed and knew I couldn't constrict my weak body with the binds of a bra.
Maybe the the fems of the day were on to something after all.
I did get dressed, but decided to wear this

wild leopard cammy, with a built in liner.
Enough to give support and enough loose so I don't feel I'm wearing 
a straight jacket.
 I've been to more medical rounds in the last 3 months, than I have in the last 3 years.
One young Duggie Houser, suggested these things happen with age...wanted to cry!
not because he thought I was old, because, really?  with all of 
today s technology, 
he's going to stand there, shake his head, and say, it comes with age?
I wanted Dr. House, so bad at that point.
And I wanted him NOW!

So while many of you live where the wild things are,
this is about as wild as I'm getting for the time being.

Made from mostly scratch, Wild Mushroom Soup.
(No the mushrooms, aren't why I was sick!)

I did get pretty wild, with the shitaki and oyster rooms!
 And somewhere in the vast picture files I have, 
there's a lovely bed of Wild Rice!
But for now!
Someday soon, I plan to slip these pretties back on,

And take a steady Walk on the Wild Side!


Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Ohhhh, LOVE your style, Lisa! I want a cammie like that and SHOES!!!

Long ago I ditched the bra BUT with age I find that I need to wear one . . . otherwise . . . well, you know, gravity is NOT nice to us!!! But I don't like the wired ones so I take the wire out as I don't like the style of the non-wired ones . . .

So happy you are getting back to your wild side!!!!



June said...

I'm so sorry Lisa that you haven't been well. It's so hard to not feel good and not know why. I hope that you are able to search and find out the cause soon so that you can get a little wild again : )
I had a time not too long ago that I went through so much fatigue and and weird symptoms for a period of a few years, and no Dr could put a finger on it. Finally one night I was actually watching Mystery Diagnosis (love that show) and there was a woman with every symptom I had and I called my Dr the next morning and asked if I could have Pernicious anemia (resulting from a surgery I had previously had) and he said I needed to get right up there and have my blood drawn. He was sure that it was just what I had and I did. I was at the serious level by then and it has taken me a few years to feel like myself again, but there it was. And to think I had to be the one to diagnose myself :(. I feel like it was a miracle that it was caught when it was, and that I was meant to be watching the television that night.
It has left me with some lingering problems, but I feel so much better than I did.

Your mushroom soup looks so GOOD!!!

sending hugs your way.

Dianie said...

Hi Lisa,
Love that wild cami :)and the shoes are pretty darn wild too :)

Minute I come home, the bra comes off, I loose that sucker in a hurry.

You always cook the yummiest food.
The soup looks divine.

Take care of yourself, you wonderfully sweet & classy lady.


Dreaming of Vintage said...

Hi Lisa! Your mushroom soup looks soooooooooooooo good and those shoes are fab! Hope you feel better soon. There is times that I don't want to get out of bed too, but I think it's just depression.