Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Well in this case, 
it worked!
Many Moons ago, when our furniture was all hand-me-downs,
we, ( Mr. Honey and I),  had a gawd awful dining table.
Let me rephrase that, I thought it was gawd awful!
In today s chic junk, gotta have it...pure 50's vintage!
The table was black, faux wood and Formica topped!  The saving grace,
 wrought iron legs.
Wish I had a picture to show of the original table.
Anyway, we held on to this table for over 30 years,
because it was Mr. Honey's, Grandmas table.
Okay, I can understand that, I can live with it in the basement.
When we moved, I thought it would finally go...I can live with it in the garage!
We have a two car garage, but the table was parked in #2 spot!
for 15 of those 30 years.
Now I'm not one to get rid of things so easy either,
(unless I catch a segment  of Hoarders)!
That's when the cleaning frenzy starts, and yes, I start with Mr. Honey's stuff,
which makes room for my stuff, and then, the stuff doesn't look so, cluttered.
"So, here's the deal" I say, to Mr. Honey.
"How about, I take the legs off the table, and use them for something else?"
"Okay", he says!
Wow, that was a quick easy!
(Mr. Honey, has mellowed with age).
The legs were easy to take off, they were attached the old way,
with metal, rusty pegs tapped into slots...where is W-D 40?
So here is what I did.
I took two planks of  soft pine, pegged and glued them together.
I could have made constructing easier, with  wider wood, but I already had
these planks.
I was going to paint the top, but Mr. Honey, doesn't like painted wood,
(of course he doesn't.) That little voice in my head reminds me to compromise!
So I peruse the many cans of stain I've horded, and found
Briwax, Antique Mahogany. Stain and wax in one can, easy!
And this is the finished side-board.
Nice legs, uh?

Compromise is good! 

Now, lets see if I can get Mr. Honey to go through two 
big tubs of, cords, adapters and whatcha ma call- its,
collected from all the electronics, we no longer have, 
but, might need it someday!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

How does my Garden Grow...

In this heat?
Not very well!
Pretty sparse, uh?
Actually, this photo is about a month ago.
I tore up the old garden, and built the raised beds.
But it's been so hot! Really hot!
 I persevered, through the heat,
and the hot sun.  I know I must have lost 5 lbs.

Time to get the water hose out, and tend the crop!
That is, if the %#&!!!!! squirrels don't get them first!

Not going to worry about the water bill at this point!
And, I've been watching the,
A few weeks ago, I had about 6 little eggplants,
I was thrilled!  Yes, finally, something is growing!
But, on the 1st of July, I go out to water my plants,
and my eggplants are gone!
How could they have just disappeared?
All of them gone, broken off the stem!

Can't be!
I get down in the dirt, check the plantings, (yeah, I thought I was going to see them)!
That's it! 
The war with the squirrels is on!
I arm myself with, what else?  Garden netting.
Oh that will bring those wily critters down!
They aren't messing with someone who doesn't know what they're doing.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm the first person who'll 
swerve my car to avoid hitting a squirrel in the street,
but by god, they will not get anymore of my eggplants!
Never mind that I don't have any daffodils in the Spring
because they dig up and dine on the bulbs!
I"ll give them those!
It's been a week since I surrounded my plants,
And in a couple of weeks I'll be grilling eggplant!
Life is Good!

Well yeah, I go out after dark with my flashlight...just checking!

Be well and have a great weekend!