Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Springing with...

Now,  how could this not be inspiring?
Spring, is here!
And I'm anxious to get out and watch the flowers bloom!
This blooming Quince has inspired me to start my seedlings.
I'm pre-germinating  this year, by using newspaper.
I made them by folding and wrapping the paper around a wine bottle.
The concave bottom of the bottle is perfect for pushing the
paper in,  making the bottom of these paper pots sit
flat, and once you add the soil they are sturdy.
But of course, me being me, I had to dress some of 
them up!

Ready to fill...
maybe with something for Easter?
You can be sure, that I'll add some chocolate too!

I think I'll make some of these paper wraps out of 
old wallpaper...see I'm just Springing with inspiration!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

One Ugly Chair...

Really, this is one ugly chair!
I'm sure you do!
It's not mine.
But, please take note that it does blend quite 
well with my rug.

I'm going to re-upholster it for a client,
from my shop days.
Since closing the store, this customer has brought me 
a piece of furniture to re-style.
Like clock work, every Spring,  I anticipate her bringing me
one of her yard sale finds!
But this time...oh brother!

Two, ugly chairs! 

How could anyone have two of the same Ugly?

I'll show the finished work.
She said no hurry, but it hurts to look at the fabric
so I think I will hurry!

Be well!